Questions & Answers
What is Showreels all about?
Its a slick and easy way to discover great talent and for great talent to be discovered
Who can sign up?
Anyone with an awesome showreel and is looking for a place to show it.
Can I upload a dancing dog?
If its a high quality video and it has some real talent then yes
Why is it free?
We feel you should have a little something for nothing. If you want to pay then we can give you more.
Can I add my social media link?
Yes, of course, we don't want to restrict other ways for people to find out more
What should I put on my profile?
Put your best Showreel and a brief but concise description
Why is there a character limit to the short description?
This will also work as your meta description so has great SEO benefits for you
What should I add to my description?
Let your showreel do all the talking. So, less is more.
Will the site evolve?
Yes, we have lots of ideas for future updates
What can I do with messages?
You can get in touch with admin quickly and message other users without giving out your email
What is Verified?
Verified is for Premium profiles that meet our criteria, (see verified page for details)
What if my user name is taken?
Sign up early to avoid missing out. If you believe someone has it maliciously, then please let us know.
What happens if I change my username?
The old one will go back into the public domain for some one else to claim
What happens if someone has maliciously taken a user name?
We monitor the site and won't tolerate dormant accounts
Do I have to display all my details?
No you choose how much you want to add to your profile
What is my user name?
This will be your own personal Showreel link. ie. www.showreels.com/YourName
Can I use my stage name?
Absolutely. What ever you feel represents you best.
Can I tell my friends to sign up?
Hell yeah! If they also have great showreels then we'd love them to join.
Why do you need a phone number?
We don't. But some artists might have a number to contact them easier.
What happens if I tick are you bookable?
You will have a contact form on your profile. Any messages go direct to your email supplied. (not via us)
Why do I need a Showreel account?
Maybe you haven't got a website? Our SEO will help your showreel get into the public domain.